Conducted Corporate Training Workshop during SBI General Insurance Annual Strategic Meet at four Metros – Chennai (29th April), Delhi (6th May), Kolkata (13th May) and Mumbai (17th May). The workshop was conducted by Cdr Inderjit Pakrasi and me with active support from Mr Rajesh K Mishra, SVP HR and Mrs Alka Chandra, Head L&D of SBI General. Mr Alp Altun, COO, Asia of IAG also gave valuable tips and advice regarding boosting sales.
To energize and synergize regional teams to achieve Profitable growth in keeping with Organizational strategy in the current turbulent environment. To building cross departmental synergies & camaraderie, enhance performance and show Resilience.
- The workshop was conducted in an experiential manner.
- Participants were taken on a motivational journey to the Top of the world, Mt Everest through PPT presentation involving interaction, situational analysis, SWAT analysis and learnings.
- Then the participants were divided into teams and given physically demanding tasks. Next, they were given tasks which required intra and inter-team coordination, innovative thinking, planning and time bound task achievement.
The workshop was designed to raise the bar at individual, team and inter-team levels to achieve sustainable Profitable Growth and Annual targets.
The members were very enthusiastic and actively participated in all activities. Best wishes to team SBI General Insurance for the coming year.
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