Cdr Abhishek Kankan’s Motivational Keynotes and Training Programs are broadly categorised under Self Development, Team Development, Leadership Development, and Adventure Engagements. Across these four, he provides practical strategies that inspire people and teams to bring out the best in themselves and others, and generate measurable results!
These also include customised programs for top-level executives and practising managers to enable responsible growth. He also conducts successful One-to-One personal interventions, short-programs for Working Women, Homemakers in addition to specific outdoor-activity oriented Esteem-Boosters for schools & colleges. Across all these Personality Development Programs is the signature of the Achiever-Trainer, who has been there, done that and now wants to genuinely take control of your life and dreams.
Self / Personality Development
Aims to address the multi-faceted influence wielded by each personality, that is unique in itself, building confidence, encouraging self-assertion and the power to express oneself. Tell me More.
Corporate Training & Development
Based on expertise and experience, Cdr Abhishek Kankan gradually transforms Averagers to Achievers, impacting their personalities and the company’s bottomline.Tell me More.
Leadership Training & Development
The transformation from good managers to great human beings, who inspire trust and build credibility through their actions and words. The evolution to a great leader is then but inevitable.Tell me More.
Adventure Programs
Expect nothing but the extraordinary in Adventure from the Achiever-Trainer who has dived the deepest and rose to summit the highest peak in the world.Tell me More.
Motivational Keynotes
A positive mindset is all it takes to turn around a team, or an organisation. The first step is to instill confidence, and raise self-worth. Cdr Abhishek Kankan starts right there.Tell me More.
Working Women Leadership
From maintaining a reasonable Work and Life balance, craving for support & enduring harassment in silencethe Working Woman of today needs more care and nurturing than ever. Tell me More.
Homemakers Motivational Workshops
Traditionally Homes have been where the Hearts were, but not necessarily of the Home makers’. It is crucial to honour & recognise the soul that makes a house a home. Tell me More.
Schools & Colleges Programs
Motivated students strive for academic excellence and reach high personal goals. Trust Cdr Abhishek Kankan to empower students, to set and accomplish their goals.Tell me More.
Life Coaching
It is always an immensely rewarding feeling to help people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations, helping them recognise who they really are. Tell me More.