What a fabulous way to begin the New Year ! Feel deeply honored and humbled to be a part of the TEDxIIM Ahmedabad, 2015, to be held at IIM Ahmedabad, on 11 January 2015.
The TEDx Organisers have extended an invite to be a Keynote speaker at TEDx IIM Ahmedabad, their second independently organized TED event. The spirit of TEDx is “Ideas worth spreading, ideas that can change the world”. The aim is to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. At TEDx IIM Ahmedabad, a combination of live prolific presenters are expected to spark interesting and meaningful conversations and connections. The event will feature people from diverse backgrounds with captivating experiences and ideas to share.
The Organisers have told me that “I would be required to tell a story or argue for an idea representing my opinion in no more than 18 minutes (as per the rules of parent organization TED). Apart from this, there will be engaging and enriching conversations with the audience during breakout sessions in between the event.
TEDx IIM Ahmedabad would be held on 11th January, 2015.
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